quinta-feira, junho 10, 2010

"play it again, sam"

"play it again, sam", argumento de woody allen, realização de herbert ross. woody allen, como allan; diane keaton, como linda; tony roberts, como dick.

Allan: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?
Museum Girl: Y
es, it is.
Allan: W
hat does it say to you?
Museum Girl: I
t restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos.
Allan: W
hat are you doing Saturday night?
Museum Girl: C
ommitting suicide.
Allan: W
hat about Friday night?

Allan: I can't do it. How does it look? I invite her over and then come on like a sex degenerate. What am I, a rapist?
Bogart: Y
our getting carried away. You think too much. Just do it.
Allan: W
e're platonic friends. I can't spoil that by coming on. She'll slap my face.
Bogart: O
h, I've had my face slapped plenty of times.
Allan: Y
eah, but your glasses don't go flying across the room.

Dick: Allan, you have invested your emotions in a losing stock, it was wiped out, it dropped off the board. Now what do you do Allan? You reinvest. Maybe in a more stable stock. Something with long term growth possibilities.
Allan: W
ho are you going to fix me up with, General Motors?

Linda: Allan, the world is full of eligible women.
Allan: Y
eah, but not like Nancy. She was a lovely thing. I used to lay in bed at night and watch her sleep. Once in a while she would wake up and catch me. She would let out a scream.

Allan: I
wonder if she actually had an orgasm in the two years we were married, or did she fake it that night?

Allan: Isn't that ridiculous? How can it be sexual? We weren't even having relations. Maybe once in a while. She used to watch TV during it. Change channels with the remote control.

Allan: We went to Mexico on our honeymoon. Spent the entire two weeks in bed. I had dysentery.

Don't tell her you don't drink, she'll think you're a boy scout. And don't get nervous. The only bad thing is if she turns out to be a virgin or a cop.
Allan: With my luck, she'll turn out to be both.

Allan: I have a tendency to reject before I get rejected. (cá está uma frase com a qual eu me posso identificar muito facilmente). That way I save time and money.
o filme é de 1972, esse grande ano, em que nasceram pessoas
realmente importantes, como cameron diaz, abel xavier
e mais uma ou outra. desde que o vi pela primeira vez,
e memorizei dezenas de cenas verdadeiramente hilariantes
e bem demonstrativas da comédia "pura e dura" de woody allen,
como acontece em outros filmes, como "inimigo público", "bananas"
ou "nem guerra nem paz", sabia que iria gostar
de "play it again, sam" (em português, "o grande conquistador")
até ao fim dos meus dias.

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