sexta-feira, junho 25, 2010

novo disco dos blonde redhead em setembro

setembro marcará o regresso dos blonde redhead, depois do sublime "23", de 2007. o novo disco, intitulado "penny sparkle", tem como tema de abertura a música "here sometimes", que pode ser ouvida no post anterior. este disco será o terceiro da banda para a editora 4AD.
kazu makino, vocalista da banda, fala assim de "penny sparkle":
“I can't say what Penny Sparkle is about just yet. I remember talking to Ed (from 4AD) one day and telling him that I had a vision that I was traveling to far away places to complete it. (Then) I landed in snowy slippery Stockholm..... and here. I fell in love with the music like falling for someone you've known for a long time. It was dreamy and sometimes was very stormy. At times I felt like a shepherd who was trying to herd five stallions into a yard (unsuccessfully). I felt like I was a link to everyone. I remained still and the others were constantly moving around it. I am not sure what Penny Sparkle is but I hope I offered to them as much as they offered me. I know that we have never made a record this way and if I could go back in time, I would do it exactly the same way again.”

entretanto, a banda já anunciou algumas datas de concertos na europa, sendo que, para já, portugal fica de fora. assim, em setembro, logo a seguir ao lançamento do disco, os blonde redhead estarão na suiça (dia 15), frança (16), bélgica (18), holanda (19), dinamarca (21), noruega (22), suécia (23), finlândia (24) e inglaterra (29).

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