terça-feira, outubro 01, 2013

lost in the trees - a church that fits our needs

não conhecia a banda, projecto musical de ari picker, mas fiquei "agarrado" com este disco. como sou suspeito, deixo-vos com a crítica da rolling stone e várias músicas deste "a church that fits our needs". pungente é a palavra que mais me vem à cabeça, sobretudo quando se sabe que este é um disco dedicado à mãe de ari picker, a senhora da capa, que se suicidou em 2008 ("I wanted to give my mother a space to become all the things I think she deserved to be and wanted to be, and all the beautiful things in her that didn't quite shine while she was alive"). se ouvirem "icy river" vão entender estas palavras.

"The second album from North Carolina chamber-pop collective Lost in the Trees opens on a note of uncertainty, a far-off piano playing a chilling minor chord. It's a good indication of what's to come. Over the course of a dozen songs, frontman Ari Picker tries to make sense of his mother's suicide against a backdrop of rich orchestration, piled generously atop a base of delicate acoustic folk like heaping spoonfuls of vanilla frosting. Given the subject matter, it's no surprise that the mood is grim; buried deep within the swirling layers of strings, Picker's desperate falsetto sounds like a boy crying for help from within a blizzard. The result is songs suited less for a rock club than a church sanctuary, with Picker playing the forlorn choirboy". - rolling stone, abril 2012.

1 comentário:

jorge mariano disse...

obrigado por me revelar esste grupo! gostei muito!

num outro regsito sugiro-lhe peter hammill. qualquer obra. espero que goste.
