quarta-feira, janeiro 19, 2011

the warming sun - grandaddy

In a dream
You were sitting there waiting by the door for me
And I got the opportunity
To experience the experience once again
How it could have maybe been

But in real life
You're in another world
You're with another guy
Who doesn't have to cheat
And never has to lie
And all that stuff I didn't get
Comes so easy to him
He doesn't even have to try

But do you ever ask yourself
How it could have maybe been

I haven't been that bad
But I haven't been that good
Oh I wish I really could
Enjoy the warming sun
Enjoy a warm someone
And end the need to hide
Away alone inside

No I haven't been that bad
But I haven't been that good
Oh I wish I really could
Enjoy the warming sun
Enjoy a warm someone
And end the need to hide
Away alone inside

In a dream
You were sitting there waiting by the door for me

decididamente, uma das mais belas músicas de sempre. pertence ao disco "sumday", de 2003. letra e voz desse grande trovador chamado jason lytle. é uma autêntica ode ao "what if", ao que poderia ter sido e não foi, às oportunidades que se perdem sem nos apercebermos delas. o refrão encerra dentro de si uma resignação atroz, de alguém amargurado que se alimenta da sua própria agonia e de um sonho que não chegou a viver. é uma música esmagadora, a todos os níveis.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Excelente interpretação! Deu-me a saudade.